Attending and getting dressed up for a holiday party at your girlfriend’s place is one thing but dressing up for an office holiday party is a whole different story. Office holiday parties can be tricky because you want to look professional but without compromising looking chic and fabulous. Today I’ve prepared this office-appropriate holiday look for you that will impress not only your boss but your co-workers and date, too!
This look will work for any holiday party theme but if your company is hosting a holiday cocktail party or a happy hour, even better! What’s great about this look is that it combines classic seven-days-a-week pants like these or these with just the right amount of glam: the embellished festive heels that you can just throw in the bag and only put them on right before the party starts and a chic sleeveless funnel neck top like this one from Eliza J Dresses or this one. With the sleeveless top, you are showing off just enough without being too overexposed. Another great thing about this look is that it’s comfortable to sit in it all day long (hello pants!) so you if your party starts at 5pm, you will be just fine!
Pair this look with a classic red lipstick like this one in color lady balls, and you are ready to rock this party like a total boss babe!
Cheers to all the cocktails we’re all about to drink! 😉